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Case Study
Aug 20, 2020

AP Sensing Selected to Monitor New Metro System


AP Sensing Selected to Monitor New Metro System

In parallel with the launch of the new Doha Metro system in 2019, AP Sensing began monitoring its railway tunnels with our Linear Heat Detection (LHD) solution. 128 km of the metro system is monitored by 16 multi-channel Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) units, 132 km of fiber optic cable and AP Sensing's SmartVision software.

The automatic train operations rely on a Train Management System to ensure the safety of passengers and key infrastructure, requiring real-time fire statuses and hotspot detection throughout the busy underground networks. Our system integrates seamlessly with FACP and SCADA systems such as Doha Metro's Train Management System. 

Each LHD system offers up to 256 alarm zones per channel and provides five dynamic criteria for setting up alarm zones. Each system also has 44 potential free-relay contacts and a network interface for communication with SCADA via Modbus TCP/IP. 

AP Sensing's SmartVision software enables the metro operators to visualize real-time temperature distributions for all monitored tunnels. All 16 LHD units are connected to the SmartVision server, which captures, stores and processes data. The graphical asset visualization for this project is customized for the Doha Metro network.